Kristin Swenerton’s heart warmed with the glow of her phone screen.
She had received a text from the adoptive mother of her former CASA child. The text asked if Kristin would be willing to watch the two-year-old while his typical caregiver was unavailable.
“You are the only other person I trust with him,” said the child’s mother.
Kristin had not seen this child since she was his CASA Volunteer in 2023. However, the relationship built between Kristin, the child, and his family had not faded.
“It basically showed that the bond we created during the case, even though the case had been closed for quite some time, was strong enough that she immediately thought of me,” said Kristin.
This opportunity allowed her to understand who the little boy had become, and she was thrilled to see that he was absolutely thriving.
“It was really great to see that what had been such a hard time for the family led to a period of stability and growth,” said Kristin. “This little boy is funny, sweet, playful, and is absolutely adored.”
Kristin is now the CASA Volunteer on a different case, supporting three older youth. This was a big change for her, as she did not have as much experience – or confidence – in bonding with an older age group.
“I was someone who was a little wary about working with older kids, even though I’m a parent myself,” said Kristin. “I just didn’t know if they would like me and thought it might be difficult to establish a connection.”
However, similar to Kristin’s other experiences, this family has grown to trust Kristin in a way that she hopes will last a lifetime.
“Even if you feel like you’re not doing enough or question the impact you’re making,” explained Kristin, “I have learned that you are doing so much just by being a stable and reliable force for children and their families.”
Kristin often receives text messages from the children’s foster mother, letting Kristin know how excited they are to spend time with her. They know that Kristin is fully dedicated to them, and that brings the children a sense of security and comfort.
“I am specifically there for them – to listen to them, to support them, and they know that I am 100% on their side,” said Kristin.
The strong relationships that Kristin has been capable of building over the years have been accompanied by personal introspection and growth. She says that she has received more from the CASA experiences and bonds than she feels she has given.
“Being a CASA Volunteer has really opened my eyes to different ways that kids can live and thrive,” said Kristin. “These experiences have humbled me, and I have been astounded by the resilience of the children and families. They teach me things all the time.”
There is no doubt that as time continues to pass, Kristin’s phone screen will light up with even more heartwarming messages from those with whom she has built everlasting connections.
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